Welcome to Zaatarah & Co. Tourist and Travel Agency Group
[Z]aatarah & Co. has been at the forefront of tourism in Jordan for more than half a century and with offices throughout Jordan as well as in the Holy Land and Egypt, the company has considerable coverage throughout the region.
[F]ounded by the late Mr Aref Zaatarah in 1960 (pictured below with the late King Hussein) Zaatarah & Co is now in the hands of General Manager, Nasser Zaatarah. Nasser continues to build upon the tradition of a company that has won numerous awards for its services.

[D]uring more than fifty years of steady professionalism, creativity, dedication, high ethical standards and firm financial support, Zaatarah & Co. has grown its operation very successfully throughout the Middle East. It has branched out in the primary cities in Jordan, as well as in the Holy Land (Jerusalem, Gaza, Ramallah and Nablus) and has its own international office in Cairo, Egypt. Zaatarah & Co. also has tie-ups with a number of top quality travel companies throughout the Middle East and Gulf states and is well equipped to service the requirements of any company or individual that requires travel assistance anywhere in the region.
[Z]aatarah & Co. has been the General Sales Agent for Egypt Air since 1967 and is an active member of the following international associations: UFTAA, ASTA, SKAL, JATA, and Golden Helmsmen. The company is also an active member in the national associations of JTB (Jordan Tourism Board), JBA (Jordan Businessmen Association), JITOA (Jordan Incoming Tour Operator Association), and JSTA (Jordan Society for Travel Agency).
[P]lease explore this site and marvel at the treasures that our country has to offer. You won’t be disappointed. That’s guaranteed!